Angela’s musical journey embarked in 2019 along the picturesque Montenegrin coast, where she established herself as a resident DJ. Since then, her passion for music has led her to enchant audiences at diverse venues across Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia,Croatia, Georgia and Armenia. Drawing inspiration from a rich cultures and musical traditions, Angela weaves enchanting soundscapes characterized by tribal percussion and resonant deep bass lines. She mostly plays groovy melodic techno, ethnic organic/afro and progressive vibes. Each of her meticulously crafted sets serves as a conduit to evoke profound emotions within her audience, seamlessly blending traditional musical elements with modern electronic beats. Her mixes have found resonance on renowned platforms such as Proton Radio, Mayday Records, DifferentSound, Zey Productions, Tehran Eye, Papaya, BPM Digital, Volt, DJ Community Georgia and Sinergia Flows.